


Full Body Workout Three

Dynamic Warm Up


This warm up is a circuit so perform each movement back to back, no rest in between movements. Take 45 second rest after each set.

  • Treadmill Run or Walk (increase speed to .5 every minute). = 1 set x 10 minutes total time
  • Windmills  (2 sets x8 Reps Per Side).
  • Inchworms (2 sets x 8 Reps Per Side).
  • Hip Opener (2 sets x 10 Reps Per Side)
  • Reaching Side Lunge (2 sets x 10 Reps).

Resistance Training

Single-leg Deadlift to Row


Control the movement. Squeeze the gluten at the top.

  • 4 Sets
  • 12 Reps Per Side
  • 421 Tempo
  • 60 sec rest between each set 

Dumbbell Squats to Over Head Press


Elevate your heels with 2 small plates if you have tight calves and can't go below 90 degrees.

  • 4 Sets
  • 12 Reps Per Side 
  • 421 Tempo
  • 60 sec rest between each set 

Assisted Pull-Ups Machine


Keep your shoulders down. Go through the full range of motion.

  • 4 Sets
  • 12 Reps 
  • 421 Tempo
  • 60 sec rest between each set

Bodyweight Knee Push-Ups & 30 sec Battle Rope


This is a superset so perform the first exercise and immediately follow by second exercise. During push-ups knees to the ground to start. Push yourself.

    Bodyweight Push-Ups

    • 4 Sets
    • 12 Reps 
    • 421 Tempo
    • 0 sec rest 

    30 sec Battle Rope 

    • 4 Sets
    • 20 Reps 
    • 421 Tempo
    • 60 sec rest 

    Forward Lunges/ Bicep Curls/ Lateral Raised


    This is a superset so perform the first exercise and immediately follow by second exercise. Make sure to stay on one side then move to the other leg.

    Left leg forward Lunges to Dumbbell Bicep Curls

    • 3 Sets
    • 12 Reps 
    • 421 Tempo
    • 0 sec rest 

    Right Leg Forward Lunges to Dumbbell Lateral Raises

    • 4 Sets
    • 20 Reps 
    • 421 Tempo
    • 60 sec rest 

    Core Burn Out


    This a core circuit so perform each movement back to back, no rest in between movements. Repeat for 3 rounds. Take 45 second rest after each set.

    • Deadbugs (3 sets x 30s)
    • Med Ball Jack Knifes (3 sets x 15s Per Legs -30s total).
    • Toe Touch (3 sets x 30s).
    • Side Plank (3 sets x 30s Per Side).

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